The 100 Envelope Challenge: Easy & Hassle-free Way to Save

Six colorful envelopes numbered #1 to #6 for the 100 Envelope Challenge.

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Struggling to save money? 

Tired of trying different methods without much success? 

Looking for a fun and effective way to boost your savings? 

Give the 100 Envelope Challenge a shot. It will add fun and excitement to your savings journey. 

But does it really work? Can it genuinely help you grow your savings? 

Let’s find out right now.

What Is the 100 Envelope Challenge

The 100 Envelope Challenge is one of many money saving challenges designed to help you reach your savings goals. 

So, how does the 100 envelope challenge work?

Here’s how: grab 100 envelopes and number them from 1 to 100. Every day, pick one at random. The number on the envelope is how much cash you drop in. If you pull out envelope number 23, you put in $23. 

Simple, right?

And the best part?

You will end up saving an impressive $5,050 in just 100 days!

Now, let’s weigh its pros and cons.

Is the 100 Envelope Challenge Right for You

The Pros:

  • Builds Your Saving Habits: It gets you into the habit of saving every day.
  • Makes Goals Feel Real: Physically handling your savings in envelopes feels more impactful than just seeing numbers on a screen.
  • You Call the Shots: You can tweak the challenge to suit what you can afford to save.
  • Big Reward at the End: Finishing this challenge leaves you with significant money at the end, which feels pretty awesome.

The Cons:

  • Living Paycheck to Paycheck: Scraping together cash for the larger amounts in this challenge can be quite a struggle when you’re living paycheck to paycheck.
  • Cash at Home Risk: It is risky – you never know what could happen the next moment.
  • Inconsistent Savings: Some days, you save a little, others a lot. It can be challenging to keep up, especially on those high-number envelopes.
  • Not Ideal If You’re Deep in Debt: This challenge might not be suitable if you’re buried under heaps of debt. It’s better to tackle those debts first, getting them under control.

Although it’s a fun way to get into saving, it’s not for everyone. 

But it’s definitely worth a shot if it fits your budget, financial circumstances, and financial goals.

How to Do the 100 Envelope Challenge

Here’s how to get started:

  • What You Need: Grab 100 envelopes and a pen.
  • Number Them: Write numbers from 1 to 100 on each envelope.
  • Shuffle and Pick: Shuffle all your envelopes and randomly pick one daily.
  • Save the Amount: Whatever number’s on it, that’s how much you save. If you pick an envelope with the number 52, you save $52.
  • Keep It Safe: Find a good spot to store your envelopes and cash where they’ll be safe.

Choosing Your Method

How you do the 100 Envelope Savings Challenge can change your experience. 

Let’s check out how both digital and traditional ways can feel and work.

Going Digital:

  • Very Easy to Use: It keeps everything neat and easy to track.
  • What You Might Miss: While apps are quick and simple, they don’t give you that hands-on feeling of saving actual cash. Some people find it really motivating to handle their money, but with digital, it’s just numbers on a screen.
  • Safe and Handy: It is secure. No worries about keeping lots of cash at home. Plus, you can tweak things on the go and always see how you’re doing.

Traditional Method:

  • Feel the Money: Using physical envelopes has a more significant emotional impact than just looking at numbers on a screen.
  • Seeing is Believing: Having those envelopes around is a constant reminder of what you’re working toward, and it can be very motivating to see your progress right there in front of you.
  • Keep it Safe: The only downside is finding a secure place to store all that cash.

So, what feels right for you? 

Do you like physically handling your savings, or are you all about the convenience?

Tips for Making It Work

Here are a few tips to help you stay on track and progress toward your savings goals:

  • Customize the Challenge: If saving money daily is too much, try saving twice a week instead. Or adjust the amounts to better fit your budget.
  • Buddy Up: Doing the challenge with a friend or family member can be a huge motivator. It’s more fun, and you can encourage each other along the way.
  • It’s Okay to Miss a Day: Life happens, and sometimes you might be unable to save. Just pick up where you left off and keep going.
  • Track Your Progress: Record your savings in a notebook, chart, or Excel sheet. Visualizing your progress can be incredibly satisfying and motivating.

Whether sticking to the original plan, switching it up a bit, or even trying a different money saving challenge, what’s important is that you’re taking steps toward your financial goals. 

What Comes Next After the 100 Envelope Challenge

Completing the 100 Envelope Challenge is just the start of something bigger for you. 

This money saving challenge has gotten you into a savings-first mindset. It’s trained you to see opportunities to save money where you might not have noticed before. And every opportunity you grab hold of to save money is a small step toward your goals.

So, what’s next?

The completion of the 100 Envelope Savings Challenge will become your springboard, propelling you toward your broader, long-term financial goals. But don’t stop saving. Repeat the money saving challenge as much as you want, or try other saving challenges. 

As your savings accumulate, set aside money for an emergency fund. Then, use the rest to pay off your remaining debts and invest it in your retirement or other goals.

Turn 100 Envelopes into Your Success Story

You’ve got everything you need – the know-how, the tools, and the determination. 

Now’s the time to turn those envelopes into something more meaningful. Each envelope you fill is a step towards realizing your dreams and crushing your financial goals. Soon, you’ll be living your dreams.

So, why wait any longer?

Let’s get going!

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