Fixing The Addiction to Being Broke

A troubled man is sitting on a stool with his left hand covering his face. A thought bubble shows a money bag with a red cross on it that signifies he is broke.

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Our broke mindset is the reason why we are always broke.

Money doesn’t grow on trees, can’t buy you happiness, and is the root of all evil. How often have we heard those words from movies, parents, friends, and others while growing up? We heard it so often that we became convinced that our financial struggles were the norm. 

And we no longer fight for a better tomorrow.

But What Exactly Is This Broke Mindset

A mindset is a set of beliefs that guides our thoughts and influences our behaviors and emotions.

For example, your belief about money being the root of all evil will lead you to think and feel that having or earning too much money makes you a bad person, and, hence, you will act against it, whether subconsciously or consciously. Or your belief about wealth is only for the lucky people born into wealthy families. Your belief in this will make you think and feel you’ll never be rich, no matter how good or hard you work. Thus, you give up on the first sign of failure, stop trying, and accept the present circumstances as the norm.

A broke mindset is thus a set of negative thinking or limiting money beliefs you have about money.

And it is a never-ending cycle of negativity and self-sabotaging of your financial success.

Now, let’s fix it.

1. Recognize It, Take Accountability, and Rewrite It

The first step to change and growth is acknowledging your broke mindset and taking accountability for the outcomes.

Stop saying, “It’s because of him, her, this, and that,” “There’s nothing I can do about that,” or “That’s just how it is.” Your broke mindset is blocking you from seeing the positive aspects of money and the outcomes of your own actions. It also prevents you from resolving the issues.

It is holding you back from becoming better and keeping you broke.

Admit to it and start rewriting your limiting beliefs with positivity. 

You can do this with the following 2 steps:

  • Journaling: Set aside time to write down all the thoughts you had, the emotions you were feeling, and the actions you took.
  • Self-affirmations: Positive self-affirmations help you reconstruct your beliefs. For example, “My financial success is in my hands” and “My potential for prosperity is limitless” are two positive money affirmations you can try.

2. Start Your Day with a Purpose

The rich don’t roll out of bed and then wonder what they should do today.

They already have a set of tasks for the day and have allocated a specific amount of time for each. They’ve planned out all this weeks ago, if not the prior evening. They know what needs to be done for the day to reach their weekly, monthly, and yearly goals.

This is the biggest difference between the rich and the broke.

So, if you’re serious about not wanting to continue being broke, start your days with a purpose.

3. Work on Your Financial Literacy

Financial stability comes with effort and sacrifices.

You will often find yourself making tough choices, such as spending on immediate desires or investing in your future. And if you want to stop being broke, you need to control your spending and reframe your mind to prioritize the future.

Also, you’ve got to start reading and learning:

  • How to budget
  • How to live within your means, save, and invest
  • How to correctly use debt, pay off debts, and improve your credit score
  • About the different types of financial products that best suit a specific purpose

It may be pretty overwhelming at first. But as you broaden your knowledge, you will start to see solutions to your financial problems. And as you begin solving each of your problems, you stop being broke, become more successful, and enjoy a higher quality of life.

Financial literacy is an indispensable life skill.

4. Stop Hanging Around With People Who Have a Broke Mindset

To completely shatter and reshape your mindset, you must also distance yourself from people with a broke mindset.

Your environment has a massive impact on your money mindset, just as it did before. So, go out and find people who are always looking to be better, are more successful than you, and exhibit the qualities you seek to acquire. Listen and learn from them as much as you can.

Your new friends should share your aspirations, support you, and want the best for you.

Your Days of Being Broke is Over

You will succeed as long as you put your mind to it.

The beginning is always going to be tough, and you won’t see immediate results. But have faith in yourself and your desire to learn, grow, and become successful.

Just like fitness, you won’t see the results in a week or two. But a month, three months, or six months later, you will see the results.

So, have patience and keep grinding.

You can do this!

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